We have been enjoying the pool, probably more this summer than any other. We have been to a few fairs, Indiana State Fair, vacation bible school and my favorite FIREMAN'S Festivals. Izabella has turned into my little helper on the farm. She helps me check cows, mix feed and of course feed the dogs and cats. We are hoping that she will be showing a heifer calf in November at the North American. We'll see how halter breaking goes in a few weeks:)
As far as working out, I have been getting in cardio while Izabella is at gymnastics-it kills at least 1 hour of my 2 that I am up in Fairfield 3x a week. I am still working out 3x a week but my main goal is eating clean-as clean as I can, when I can. I know it can be hectic-trust me I know. I must plan ahead or I am all messed up and end up going through McDonald's and getting a grilled chicken sandwich which tastes horrible. I have learned that it's about looking and feeling good, not all about looking like a competitor year round-wish I could get this through a few of my clients heads-you know who you are:)
I have decided to do another 12 week challenge since I have had such a good response in the past. Now that school has started, what better time to take at least 1 hour for YOU. You may have to get up 30-45 minutes earlier in the morning but guess what-it's done!!! or you could stay up a little later if that works too. Whatever works for you - put it in place and DO IT-HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT? The cost is 200.00 and you will receive your week of workouts/cardio and meal plan every Friday so you have all weeekend to plan/prepare. Each week will be different and you can contact me anytime with questions-I am your motivation. The lady with the most overall transformation will recieve a great prize. I will need before/after pictures (that's why they call them before's because everyone HATES them. Only I see them-I promise) unless you are the winner then we will discuss that:0)
Make sure you check out my facebook store of BLING and more.
Email me your order and I will get it right out!!! Let me know if you want to have a party or become a sales rep. Feel free to share my page and make sure you are receiving my monthly newsletter through Constant Contacts!!!
Keep in touch and until next time have a blessed day/week
The bracelet below is 15.00 and matching earrings are 10.00