Friday, June 26, 2009

here's the pics

Camping and Baby Contest

I have added a few camping pics from our last weekend at the camp. We are heading there again today w/ a wedding tomorrow.

Rozalee placed 2nd out of 30 at our county fair baby contest. It was 100+ degrees and she was still smiling. It was so much fun.

I'm officially 12 weeks out from Team U. I thought I would take a week off from the gym after Jr. Usa's but I didn't. I did take 2 weeks off of the 2 hours of cardio and only did 45 minutes a day. I've still got my head in the game and ready to make some improvements. I'm working this BUTT 2x a week and have stuck to a pretty good diet the last couple of weeks. We had several graduation parties etc to attend and I was proud of myself. I had a little fun but not too much, if ya know what I mean. It is summer and I do want to have fun w/ my husband and family. I know if I get too out of control, that's just harder I have to work in the upcoming weeks.

I hope you are all staying cool and have fun w/ family and friends. Live is too short sometimes, so enjoy and don't live w/ any regrets.

Have a PHAT weekend

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My shirts are up on my site!!!!

Here ya go, Ms Fitness 2030-if the Hummer's still going in 20 years.
Does this Hummer look familiar to anyone?
Check out my shirts on my site-they are finally up!
I hope you all are having a nice HOT summer, we sure are in Indiana. We may have to build an ARK to get outside if it doesn't quit raining. It's so humid, seems like Spring just keeps pushing into June.
It's been great getting outside for morning cardio around 6am because around 7am I'm ringing wet of sweat. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Friday, June 12, 2009

My good friend Lauren at Jr. Usa's

Here's a cute picture of Lauren and myself at Jr USA's. I met her at a Phat Camp a few years ago. You'll see us again at Team U-kicking butt.
Have a great weekend

Get Paid by Jen

Get Paid By Jen!
PGN has a new way for you to put some cash in your pocket each month. Jen Hendershott has a new program where you can sell supplements, get in shape and lose weight and YOU get a paycheck for doing it. Sales referrals will earn you 15% commission and if you refer other people to become an Affiliate they will receive 15% commission and you will earn 5% commission.
"My main objective is to help others achieve their dreams physically and now financially."
The PGN Affiliate Program is AWESOME and FREE to join! The products available as part of the Affiliate Program are:
PGN TrimFat, Whey Sensible and the all new EstraCort
PrimaForce Cissus, Creaform, Elastamine and Glutaform
Scivation EssentialFA, Knockout, Showtime, Vasocharge and Xtend
To sign up or learn more visit To get all your questions answered, email Katie Lobliner at or Jen Hendershott at We will get you started and help you through the process. Let’s do this! It’s too easy to ignore!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hip to be Mom Shirts Now available

I'm am going to start selling these awesome fitting "MOM" shirts. They will be on my site soon.

They are the figure fitting Bella shirts. They are 25.00 including shipping.
You cna wear them to the gym or out to show off your hard earned PHAT body.
I'm an athlete
I'm a MOM
Train with a Purpose
Compete with a Purpose
Love your Girls (with the breast cancer ribbon)
Karma-what goes around comes around
Moms into Living Fit
We've had a crazy week between swim lessons, gymnastics, t-ball, birthdays, the zoo, graduations, having a few glasses of wine and everything else in-between. Izabella started swim lessons so she can learn to put her head under water. It's amazing how they will do it for a teacher and not their own dad or mom:) T-ball is still a blast w/ only a few weeks left. I took the girls to the Cincinnati Zoo w/ some moms that I used to work with at Ethicon. They all had a ball. I have attached a few pics from the week.

Some of you have asked what I've been doing in the gym. I'm still doing 45 minutes of cardio in the am and training 5x a week. I am doing 4x20 for legs on Monday and then 4x18 HEAVY for legs on Friday. I'm doing my regular sets of 4x12-15 for all other bodyparts. I'm trying to make a few changes in my butt before September.
Here's too a great weekend w/ family and friends