Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Break YAHOOOO

My butt is still changing and I'm actually eating more:)


Well Izabella is on Spring Break this week. It was finally nice enough to go to the park on Saturday. She rode her bike and I chased her pushing Rozalee. She kept saying faster faster-which made me get in a sprint session:)
I have a LONG gravel driveway and since the snow is gone Kenny finally got to get some new gravel put down. I would have Izabella get 1/2 way down then I would try to catch her-another great sprint day. Kenny was just waiting for 1 of us to wipe out.
I have a tip of the week for ya-do you walk on the balls of your feet, flat footed or heels first? If you want to work on your butt-DO NOT go buy a pair of those high dollar tenny shoes walk w/ your heels first. I have been doing this since January and it is making a difference. I was a sprinter in high school so I got in the habit of walking on my toes. Hard habits are hard to break but they make a difference.
Remember this week when you are training-when it gets tough PUSH through those last couple reps-THEY ARE THE ONES THAT MAKE THE DIFFERENCE.
One last thing-we had a make-up day at gymnastics yesterday and quess what-THERE WAS A DAD whose little girl was having a birthday party at the gym and he was sitting at her birthday table watching the basketball game on his laptop. I wanted to pick it up and throw it across the floor.
Thanks for the comments on that-I was hoping I wasn't the only one that thought that it was wrong not to watch your kids at the gym.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring is HERE !!!!!

Wacky Wednesday

Latisha looked awesome in the Figure International. Great Job Girl!!!

The sun is finally out !!!!! but the rain hasn't stopped:(

It was so nice to get to talk to some of you at the Arnold. What a crowded mess, that place has grown to be? There were a few things I wanted to see but couldn't even walk over to the booth, I wanted to get too. We were lucky enough to have our booth close to the bathroom, so it only took 15 minutes to get there instead of 30...

If you ever want to change up your breakfast you can add alittle green dye to your egg whites and have green eggs, like I made for Izabella's Pre-School class last week. They loved the green eggs and ham, dressing Wacky on Wednesday and in their PJ's on Friday. It's great to just have some fun w/ your kids. I took Izabella to her back handspring clinic at gymnastics and the stands were full of parents working on their computers on a SUNDAY. I was so saddened by them not even taking a 1 hour break away from work to watch their kids practice on their back handsprings. What if they were to get hurt or finally do one for the first time and the parent missed it because they had their head plastered to a computer screen? I know when Izabella did hers the first time, she yelled from the floor-"mommy did you see that". She was so proud-even if her coach helped a little:) It was all about me seeing it.

I've read both of Tony Dungy's books and WOW they can make you open your eyes to a few things. You all know, I love the Colt's but I just got alittle more respect for them.He talks about how to be a Great Coach and AWESOME PARENT. I may just hand that book to a mom at gymnastics this evening. Seriously-I know work is important but your kids are MORE important. Ok enough about that, I could go on for hours on this topic. If you want to borrow 1 of his books, let me know. I'd be happy to send it to ya. He has tons of great quotes in there along w/ stories about his success and struggles.

We had our first baby calf born last week too. It's great to see those new babies out in the field kicking and playing.

On Saturday we went to the circus. What a blast. I've never been to one before. Rozalee started to cry anytime the elephants would leave. The girls loved the clowns and crazy gymnasts or whatever they are hanging from ropes and the ceiling. It was a great 2 hour show. I want to know how they keep from breaking their neck as they twirl from a rope?

I have attached some pics from the last week. I have some from the Arnold on my facebook page that girls have sent me. I don't know how to take them from facebook and put on my web-site???

I'm also down another 5 pounds. I didn't get to train w/ Parrillo last week due to me taking care of my Grandma etc. I go see him on Wednesday so I won't be able to walk till Sunday. So at church I'll pray for pain relief:) LOL. I did put myself through a good leg workout on Friday though. Kenny said I got tiny quick-which is a surprise cause I usually get this tiny 5 days from a show not weeks before. I feel awesome.