Friday, May 21, 2010

She graduated

Well Izabella graduated from pre-school and decided to move out:) The day after her graduation she packed her toys and her sister in their red wagon and off they went:( Just kidding, she only made it to the middle of the driveway. Gosh I dread the day she turns 18 an graduates from high school.
T-ball is off to a great start. The Little Bears are hitting great. I hope you are all ready for a great Memorial Day weekend. We are going camping for the first time this year. I'm so excited, I can't wait to see all of our camping buddies. I'm just praying the rain stops soon.
Hey, if you are even in my area let me know and I can put ya through a good workout.
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Don't sweat the small stuff

I was hurrying this morning when I wrote my blog. I forgot to attach some pics and other "stuff".

I am so glad that I have "not sweating the small stuff" figured out. I have a crazy week ahead and awhile ago, I would have been stressing, trying to figure out how I'm going to get to 2 places at once and the list goes on and on. BUT instead I don't worry about that small stuff anymore. I'll get where I need to be when I get there. Don't get me wrong I hate to be late and it doesn't happen very often BUT w/ being a mom-it happens. I'm just happy to have a great husband and 2 wonderful girls. I'm blessed to have as good as girls as I do have. I take them to dinner when Kenny is at work and people will ask me-who went w/ ya, you took both your kids to dinner. I always say YEP-just me and the girls. I know SEVERAL moms that couldn't do that w/ their young kids. I'm just happy to be alive, have family and great friends. I get clients that call me having "bad" weeks. WE ALL HAVE THEM-we are human, you just have to prioritize your wants/needs. I put my family first BUT I do still make ME TIME. Since I know I'm having a crazy week, I'm planning to get up early and stay up alittle later to get done what needs to get done ie-working out/cardio.

I also will be Izabella's Pre-schools teacher's daughter's final project for school. (is that even a word) anyways-she is following us around taking pics of everything for her photojournalism class. I told her I wasn't that interesting but her professor wanted a final done on a bodybuilder. I'm far from a bodybuilder but I'll do my best to get her a good grade. Good Luck Sara on your final.

I hope you had a Great Mother's Day

I hope all of you had a great Mother's Day. It is a great feeling to be a Mother. Izabella made me the cutest card at school along w/ a book about ME. I had a great day w/ family and a GREAT BIG BREAKFAST-WOW.

Our weekend was full of festivals, birthday party-playing laser tag, eating pizza and watching movies w/ the girls. I thought Izabella would be scared at the laser tag-but she loved it. We had her end-of year breakfast at her school yesterday. She graduates on Wednesday. I want her to stop growing cause I don't want her to graduate high school!! I want her to stay little. Does anyone have a pill for that-keep em 5 yrs old:)

I purchased a new jogging stroller-cause I have wore out the bearings in mine:) As I was waiting to pick it up, I met a man that has stuck in my mind since. He was a grandpa of 13 and 2 great-grandkids. He actually went to school w/ my father-in-law. He was purchasing a movie to show to some of his inmates. His wife and him go to juvenile detention centers and speak to kids in trouble. They especially spend time w/ kids that don't have parents or their parents don't have anything to do w/ them. Why can't there be more people like this out there???

Wednesday was our first t-ball game. The Little Bears did great. I'm so proud of them. I love coaching those little guys.

Leg tip of week:) This was on Thursday and I'm still sore on Tuesday. My legs are still giving out if I try to go to fast!!! I finally did a light 45 minute jog this morning. All I did was 4 sets of squats, 4 sets of hack squats, had to walk outside cause I didn't want to puke in gym, 4 sets of butt lifts and that was all. BUT I had to do each and every rep perfect or I had to start over. I got to 20 on the hack squat-didn't go deep enough and had to start over. It's all about having your mind in tune w/ your workout. Don't go through the motions that waste your time and I know most of you don't have time to waste.
Have a great week and I hope you are staying dry. We have 7 days of rain ahead of us.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rain Rain GO AWAY

We sold our boat so we may need to start using this one to get around:)
Opening Day was cancelled and the kids were so bummed-me too.
Kenny and I got to ride the school bus to Izabella's kindergarten orientation. It was so much fun. I hadn't been on a bus in a long time. She's going to the same school he went too. We met the teachers, got a tour of the school, had recess and then got to go through the cafeteria line for cookies and milk. She got paired up w/ a kindergarten student and they read a book together and made puppets. She got to see some of her friends there too from t-ball last year.
This weekend Kenny had 2 friends pass away. One took his own life while the other died in a motorcycle accident. Please keep those families in your thoughts and prayers.
I got a new idea for oatmeal :) Have you had those Splenda Mocha packets that go into your coffee? Well when I had 2 clients from Canada here, we went to Wal-Mart and they spotted them. So instead of putting them in my coffee like I was doing-I put one in my oats and they are GOOOODDDDD.
I also bought some MILK PROTEIN powder from Parrillo and use it instead of milk on things like pudding, cereal, coffee etc. It taste really good. I have never used it as a shake but as a milk additive when cooking etc.
Did anyone see the FitnessRx w/ Trish Warren's 20 minute workout. Ya that will kill ya at 5am. I tried-key word tried, to do it along w/ 5 minutes of jogging in between. I thought I was going to die. I did it 1/2 way and ended up doing part of those moves w/ jogging in between. I never said I was a kickboxer-that's forsure. I could of made a damn good home movie that morning. I wanted something new and that's what was on my treadmill that morning. It was NEW alright-new for this body.
Well, I hope you are all safe and sound w/ this Spring wet weather. Have a Happy Mother's Day and get all your moms something gooood. I went to a purse/jewelry party today. I bought my own presents!!!!!