Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rain Rain GO AWAY

We sold our boat so we may need to start using this one to get around:)
Opening Day was cancelled and the kids were so bummed-me too.
Kenny and I got to ride the school bus to Izabella's kindergarten orientation. It was so much fun. I hadn't been on a bus in a long time. She's going to the same school he went too. We met the teachers, got a tour of the school, had recess and then got to go through the cafeteria line for cookies and milk. She got paired up w/ a kindergarten student and they read a book together and made puppets. She got to see some of her friends there too from t-ball last year.
This weekend Kenny had 2 friends pass away. One took his own life while the other died in a motorcycle accident. Please keep those families in your thoughts and prayers.
I got a new idea for oatmeal :) Have you had those Splenda Mocha packets that go into your coffee? Well when I had 2 clients from Canada here, we went to Wal-Mart and they spotted them. So instead of putting them in my coffee like I was doing-I put one in my oats and they are GOOOODDDDD.
I also bought some MILK PROTEIN powder from Parrillo and use it instead of milk on things like pudding, cereal, coffee etc. It taste really good. I have never used it as a shake but as a milk additive when cooking etc.
Did anyone see the FitnessRx w/ Trish Warren's 20 minute workout. Ya that will kill ya at 5am. I tried-key word tried, to do it along w/ 5 minutes of jogging in between. I thought I was going to die. I did it 1/2 way and ended up doing part of those moves w/ jogging in between. I never said I was a kickboxer-that's forsure. I could of made a damn good home movie that morning. I wanted something new and that's what was on my treadmill that morning. It was NEW alright-new for this body.
Well, I hope you are all safe and sound w/ this Spring wet weather. Have a Happy Mother's Day and get all your moms something gooood. I went to a purse/jewelry party today. I bought my own presents!!!!!

1 comment:

Mary M said...

I have to check out that 20 minutes routine!
Prayers are with Kenny's friends families so sorry to hear that girl.

Thinking about you! I got my suit!

Miss you and lets chat soon!