Monday, February 21, 2011

The snow has finally melted!!!

This past weekend was the final good-bye to our SNOW:) Thank God. We had to buy another bird feeder cause the poor birds are starving in this snow. It's finally all out of my drive way. These 60 & 70 degree days are going to spoil us. I'd rather have this mud and rain any day.

Now that the weather is nice I am ready to get outside w/ my jogging stroller and Rozalee. I'm getting a little sick of doing cardio on a machine-even though I can get VERY creative!!! Just let me know if you are needing new ideas for cardio. It seems everyone was in a rut w/ this nasty winter. Most of my clients that those unmotivated days, even myself. I sure did enough baking on those snow days w/ the girls. I made them cupcakes then made myself Parrillo Protein cupcakes w/ frosting so I wouldn't put on my winter layer! What a crazy winter it was.
I did do alot of experimenting w/ new healthy recipes. It's amazing what I can come up with-I surprise myself sometimes:) LOL
I really don't have alot of anything new going on. We have 2 Clydesdales along w/ the cattle that are keeping all of us busy. Both girls are still in gymnastics. I have girls in my transformation challenge that are surprising me-I can't believe how well they have done. I'll be posting the winner in 4 weeks. Let me know if you are looking for a trainer or needing some help achieving your goals.
Have a great week

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