Monday, September 21, 2009

Good Ole Monday morning:) LOL

Well here's my story for the day-
I planned to get up early and get cardio and e-mail done before I had to get Izabella off to school at 7:00am. We never set an alarm because Rozalee has always woke up at 6:30-7:00 even on Sundays before church. Kenny has been working 12 hour days so he's trying to get as much sleep as possible. Let me remind you I NEVER EVER have woke up late for work, high school, college, nothing-even back in the days when I would stay out drinking all night NEVER EVER it just didn't happen. Well then there is this morning-I woke up at 8:37am and about had a heart attack, first because Rozalee didn't wake up so that scared me to death, secondly Izabella has to be at school by 8:30 and Kenny has to leave for work at 9:30. I run in to Rozalee's room and she's in her bed playing w/ her bears-Thank God and Kenny runs and gets Izabella up. I call the school and let them know what I did. We rush breakfast down poor Izabella, get her teeth brushed, dressed and out the door. I hurry drop her off while Kenny gets Rozalee breakfast and his lunch made, as I pull in the garage he pulls out and heads to work. It's now 10:00 am and I have to leave at 11:15 to pick Izabella up from school. I look at my e-mail real quick to make sure there were no emergency's that need to be answered ASAP and decide to attempt my morning cardio walk outside in the sprinkling rain. I tell Rozalee this is going to be quick because we have to pick up your sister soon. I usually walk 3-4 miles in the morning-unless it's raining hard then I do it inside-which I should of done this morning:) I get about 1 mile down the road and this nice little old lady that has a farm/cattle stops me to chat. They are in their 80's and still farm w/ about 20 head of cattle. For those of you that know me, I used to show cattle and now I have 7 cows again. So I couldn't run the little lady and her farming story. Did I mention I forgot my watch as I went out the door this morning!!! Ok, she's down talking, have NO idea what time it is, so to make the best out of this cardio session I decide I better kick it up a notch and RUN. I run about 1 mile, walk 1/2 and run another 1/2. I'm thinking I should be right on time. I walk the rest of the way home and get in the garage and see it's 11:20. I'm soaking wet from the rain and sweat. I change my clothes, and put Rozalee straight in the car. We're 5 minutes late picking up Izabella from school but it all worked out.
I almost sweated the small stuff this morning but I did what I could and made the best of it-don't stress over small stuff!!! It's not worth it.
My tip of the week is make sure you have a pair of gym shoes in each of your vehicles w/ a pair of extra workout clothes too. I have always done this and last week it came in handy. I was doing nails at the salon and had a 2 hour break so I made the best of it. I changed my clothes and hit the sidewalk for some cardio and a little mini-bootcamp. I always have the extra stuff w/ me because you just never know when you'll need it. They don't have to be a good pair-mine are actually pairs that are OLD like 5-6 yrs old.
On another note-I'm looking for a healthy chili recipe-anyone have one somewhere?
This past weekend had the Kenny's nephews birthday party and we also got to take a tour of where Kenny worked. He's been there 10 years and we've never got to see the inside of the Ford plant in Sharonville, Oh. He's a millwright/ironworker and they make the transmission for alot of the Ford vehicles. They had a car show, dog show, FOOD, ICE CREAM and free tours of the plant. It was so cool to actually see what goes on inside that 100+ acre plant. It's so big they drive gold carts inside because it would take you forever to get from 1 side to the other. It's actually amazing how they design these machines to build and put together transmissions. The girls had a blast. Rozalee especially liked the dog obstacle course.

Rozalee is going to be an animal lover like me. We have a 2000 pound bull that she pets in the field. Izabella likes small animals but the big ones scare her-not Rozalee the bigger the better. Which brings me to my next story. Our scotty 2 weeks ago got hit by a car, out underground fence wasn't working:( We told Izabella he was in heaven w/ our goat and Titan our English mastiff that died of heart failure last year. We told her that Great Grandma was taking care of them up in heaven, so she said they could stay up there then. Last Friday night Kenny came home w/ a new English Mastiff puppy. The girls LOVE him. They were both so surprised Saturday morning when we brought him inside. Rozalee gets on the ground and wrestles w/ him already.
I also had a jewelry party last Wednesday. You all know I love my jewelry!!! So did Rozalee. Izabella liked have all the kids over to play inside and outside with her. They played make-up and oh was it everywhere!!!
Well enough of my stories. I hope you all have a great week-MAKE THE BEST OF IT.


Mary M said...

Love the photos Ms. Bear! MISS you tons! LOVE the jewelry too!!!!!
The girls are STUNNING!

Here's to a PHAB week chica!

Dawn said...

I have some chili recipies. Email me and I will send them to you if you would like.

Lisa said...

Love your blogs about your family and your healthy lifestyle. Now that's walking the talk.

BTW, have you decided on your next competition?